When setting up AutoSearch parameters in a custom report, you can now specify certain variables that will be replaced before a custom report is run. The variables that can be used are listed below:

!USER_NAME! = Currently Logged In User
!USER_FULL_NAME! = Full Name of Currently Logged In User
!GAGE_SN! = Current Equipment on Main IndySoft screen
!PROFILE! = Profile of Currently Logged In User
!COMPANY! = Current Company on Main IndySoft Screen
!WORKSTATION_NAME! = Workstation Name in Workstation Setup
!WORKSTATION_CRIB_NUMBER! = Crib Number in Workstation Setup
!WORKSTATION_DEPARTMENT! = Department in Workstation Setup
!WORKSTATION_LOCATION! = Location in Workstation Setup
!EMP_ID! = Employee I.D. of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_DEPARTMENT! = Department of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_LOCATION! = Location of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_TYPE! = Type of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_SUPERVISOR! = Supervisor of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_GROUP! = Employee Group of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_SHIFT! = Shift of Currently Logged In User
!EMP_INITIALS! = Initials of Currently Logged In User