Using a copy of the Standard Certificate report as an example: go to the Calc Tab. Right-click in the Report Bands/ Report Events/ Module View area and select Events. At the bottom, select SubReport2: CalibrationTestPoints. Open the tree under Report Objects until you reach SubReport2:Report:Detail and select Detail. Select the BeforePrint Event. If you have not edited the Standard Certificate event, there will be a section of code.
Three lines under the word "begin" by itself you will find "sRes := #######0;" and "sRes2 := #######0;" Change them to "sRes := 0;" and "sRes2 := 0;".
Now scroll down to the line "end else sRes2 := sRes;". Place your cursor at the end of that line and press Enter. Type "sRes := sRes + E-;" and press Enter, then type "sRes2 := sRes2 + E-;".
Click the Preview tab and your numeric data should now be in scientific notation.