Export User Profiles

  1. On the top menu choose Utilities --> Profile Manager
  2. This will open the User/Profile Manager
  3. Click anywhere in the Profiles window (the top right box containing the list of profiles)
  4. Click the right-button on the mouse.
  5. This will open a profile selection menu
  6. Choose Export Profile
  7. This will open the Export Profiles window
  8. From here select the Profiles that are needed to be exported
  9. On the bottom choose a name and location for the export file
  10. Click Export

Import User Profiles

  1. On the top menu choose Utilities --> Profile Manager
  2. This will open the User/Profile Manager
  3. Click anywhere in the Profiles window (the top right box containing the list of profiles)
  4. Click the right-button on the mouse.
  5. This will open a profile selection menu
  6. Choose Import Profile
  7. Locate the import file, usually with an IPP extension. For example: myprofiles.ipp
  8. If profiles with the same name exist, a window will appear.
  9. This gives the option to overwrite existing profiles.