A common request we receive comes from wanting to make available event information captured in earlier processes for later processes. 

The scenario that commonly appears is wanting your Receiving Date to be useable by documents generated in later events. 

Now you can always do this sort of thing with SQL, but for many users they don't want to touch the Calc tab of their printbuilder templates at all. That's totally okay because there are solutions! 

The following example can be applied a variety of ways, so hopefully you can come up with some unique use cases for yourself after reading this. 

1) Updating Event Fields
     By default IndySoft Workflow Configuration has the ability to push data to any equipment field. That can be located on Workflow Configuration > Field Settings > Update Equip Field. The help doc outlines this in more detail here 

  However if you use that you'll notice that on any Date field the Update Equip field is blocked by default. We do this to prevent you updating a Date Field value to a field that isn't built to hold a date. Don't worry there is a solution that accomplishes the job without using SQL at all. 

2) Equipment Updates

Image Placeholder

Instead of you building SQL into your calc tab, we can perform the SQL in Workflow Configuration > Equipment Updates. 

Above you'll see we've labeled an Equipment Field "Received Date" and are pushing the current Event Date into Received Date. The ! field is a merge value that takes whatever we have in the Event and pushes it into the sql that's running. 

If you setup your rule like this it can accomplish many more adjustments than the regular Update Equip Field on Step 2 can. 

Hope this helps and thanks for using IndySoft.