Issue: Creates a Read Only User. User is changing to Full Client.

Can you follow the steps below and let me know if this resolves the issue?
  1. Uncheck Read Only Global Settings for Application (Temporarily)
  2. Set Up a DEFAULT Read Only User (Company/Profile as Customer Company/Read Only)
  3. Create a New Read only User (now that a Default User is Established)
  4. Add the Company and Profile Types for Created User
  5. Go to Read Only Global Settings for Application and Re-Check it to System-Wide
To view the Global Preferences: 
Image Placeholder

Once open, select the "Application Settings" - Product Type:
Image Placeholder

Unchecking the Product Type as a Global Preference, then establish the Default User, when the Global Setting is re-applied it will remain as a Global Preference to any Read-Only User created. 

Did experience with an issue with a customer with above steps.

Global Read Only Product Type could NOT be set as System-Wide Option for the User to maintain as Read Only. The following steps needed to be taken:
  1. Un-Check Product Type for Global Read Only Preference
  2. Create a DEFAULT Read Only User (Company/Profile as Customer Company/Read Only)
  3. Enter New User User/Location Settings - Establish the Product Type as "Read Only" (Save/Close)
  4. Add Company and Profile Types to User